Saturday, June 27, 2015

Obama’s Push for Corporate Rule: A Moment of Opportunity

"Only a few months ago, President Barack Obama was at loggerheads with Republican members of Congress intent on destroying his administration. With bewildering speed, Obama has since turned against his own political base to form an alliance on trade issues with those same Republican members of Congress."

"The goal of Obama’s surprise alliance is to finalize a series of international agreements—the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), and the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA)—each of which will strengthen corporate rights at the expense of human rights, democracy, economic justice, peace, and the healing of Living Earth."

"The distinction between democracy and corporate rule is the issue that underlies most other issues. The task before us is to recognize and act on the potential for a momentous political realignment that can make our government truly “of the people.”"

The above is from an excellent article in YES! Magazine (link below)

Yes Virginia, it's a conspiracy. In this article and his book, “When Corporations Rule the World”, David Korten explains how major corporations are conspiring to take control of the world.  The TPP is an important step along this bipartisan journey into global corporate rule where democracy has no place. The advances we've made for social justice soon would be lost in a corporate run government.

Mr. Korten explains how “corporate interests have managed to define the political choice in America as between small government Republicans and big government Democrats. It was a clever misdirection.” A misdirection that we see people buy into every day.

Mr. Korten goes on to say there is hope (and not Obama hope) because it has become evident that there is a Populist Movement emerging. Senator Sanders is a key figure in this movement.

Above text in bold is my emphasis.

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