Friday, April 25, 2014

A Hike In The Minimum Wage Could Be A Huge Boon To Small Businesses

More information indicating that raising the minimum wage wont end life as we know it.

Studies found that an increase in the minimum wage didn't generally lead to mass terminations of employees

One major result of a hike in the minimum wage is that it has a similar impact as a stimulus package, a study from the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank found. Essentially, households impacted by a $1.00 increase in the minimum wage use that additional revenue to make purchases of large durable goods, often home appliances and especially cars. This net effect has a positive impact on the economy in the quarters following a minimum wage increase.

Read more:

See post below for additional info.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Study: Obamacare didn't necessarily lead to health plan cancellations


The panic about individuals dropping their health care coverage due to Obamacare is premature.  The linked article states that studies show that the number of people dropping health care coverage was typical of the normal market.

Also, there was concern about those that were forced to drop what was considered substandard policies.  The Right-Wing and Corp-Media made a big deal about this.  However, those that were forced to drop their substandard (to ACA standards) policies were provided the opportunity to buy thru the exchanges for health care coverage at better prices.  And a note to those that argue that the government should allow them to buy substandard health care coverage if the want, remember that the government doesn't allow you to buy substandard cars from manufactures either.

More ACA posts below.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Yes Virginia There is a Conspiracy

Some people cringe when they hear about a conspiracy theory (CT) because some are way crazy.  But most political crimes that have been revealed (e.g., Iran-Contra, Savings and Loan debacle), were first just CT.

But in the case of the corporations conspiring to steal the wealth of the middle class, there is a smoking gun known as the Lewis Powell Memo.

In 1971, before becoming an associate justice of the Supreme Court, Lewis Powell penned a memo to the director of the US Chamber of Commerce advocating a comprehensive strategy to strengthen corporate power in America. (See more at "Assault on Democracy", The Nation Magazine, April 28, 2014)

The greatest middle class and greatest democratic government in the history of the world occurred from about 1945 until 1970 when the capitalists started systematically eliminating the laws that were put in place to fix the rampant capitalistic chaos that brought us the Great Depression.  The younger generations, having not had to endure the lessons of the Depression were either ambivalent or bought the bill of goods (trickle down) sold by the capitalists and didn't fight the dismantling of The New Deal restrictions on capitalism.

In 1976 the Supreme Court ruled with Buckley v. Valeo that essentially money equaled speech.  Then in 2010 the Supremes struck again with Citizens United, where they struck down restrictions on independent campaign spending by corporations, non-profits and unions.  And recently the "McCutcheon v. FEC ruling overturned limits on the total contributions that an individual can make.  These ruling have given the wealthy corporations and individuals unlimited power to buy elections at all levels of government.

Back to the Powell Memo.

Powell emphasized the importance of strengthening institutions like the U.S. Chamber -- which represented the interests of the broader business community, and therefore key to creating a united front. While individual corporations could represent their interests more aggressively, the responsibility of conducting an enduring campaign would necessarily fall upon the Chamber and allied foundations. Since business executives had “little stomach for hard-nosed contest with their critics” and “little skill in effective intellectual and philosophical debate,” it was important to create new think tanks, legal foundations, front groups and other organizations. The ability to align such groups into a united front would only come about through “careful long-range planning and implementation, in consistency of action over an indefinite period of years, in the scale of financing available only through joint effort, and in the political power available only through united action and united organizations.” 

Powell’s Memo is widely credited for having helped catalyze a new business activist movement, with numerous conservative family and corporate foundations (e.g. Coors, Olin, Bradley, Scaife, Koch and others) thereafter creating and sustaining powerful new voices to help push the corporate agenda, including the Business Roundtable (1972), the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC - 1973), Heritage Foundation (1973), the Cato Institute (1977), the Manhattan Institute (1978), Citizens for a Sound Economy (1984 - now Americans for Prosperity), Accuracy in Academe (1985), and others. 

See the Greenpeace article:

The bottom line is that it appears that Americans are no longer living in a "Constitutionally controlled democratic republic," but a plutocratic-oligarchy run by wealthy individuals and corporations.

It will be an uphill battle to reverse this trend toward total oligarchy, but the movement "Move to Amend" ( is a start. This movement is taking on the Supreme Courts power head on with a Constitutional Amendment to restrict money in politics.  This movement is bipartisan and may well be the start of a bigger populous movement.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

No Free Lunch for You!

One of the cornerstones of the Republican Platform is personal independence. Not depending on the government.  Now I  think most of us actually agree with the desire, but I am betting we differ on how to actually get there. 

Republicans vote to give taxpayer support to companies that close down American factories and move jobs to China and then turn around and vote against extending unemployment benefits.  So they are ok with using tax dollars for helping businesses kill jobs but not ok with using tax dollars to help those thrown out of work.  There reasoning goes something like this. Unemployment benefits discourages the unemployed from looking for a job.  Therefore by eliminating the unemployment benefits, unemployment levels should go down. (If you believe that, maybe you'd be interested in a share of a bridge in Brooklyn).  

From Paul Krugman's blog:

Ben Casselman points out that we’ve had a sort of natural experiment in the alleged effects of unemployment benefits in reducing employment. Extended benefits were cancelled at the beginning of this year; have the long-term unemployed shown any tendency to find jobs faster? And the answer is no.

Really? Who could have seen that coming?  Not the Republican Party. 

Oh yeah, we can't forget that the Republicans think that cutting off the free lunch program will encourage poor children to "pull themselves up by the bootstraps" and force their parents to give them lunch money.  What the hell, what's the worst that can happen?  Hungry children?  At least they have their independence. 

Should Men get paid 23% more than women for doing the same job?

On April 9, 2013, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which President John F. Kennedy declared to be the end of the "unconscionable practice of paying female employees less wages than male employees for the same job" when he signed it.
The anniversary, known as Equal Pay Day, marks how far into 2013 women must work to earn what men earned in 2012. That doesn't exactly sound like the Equal Pay Act achieved its goal, does it?  Women in the United States today are paid on average 77 cents for every dollar paid to men. (1)
So do should female school teachers, nurses, police dispatchers, etc. get paid 23% less than men doing the same job?  The GOP unanimously think so.  100% of Republicans in the House of Representatives voted to kill attempts to rectify this inequality. 
And recently the Senate voted 53 votes in favor of a bill designed to help keep the playing field (or paying field) equal.  Not enough to overcome the GOP’s 44 votes to keep females in the back of the wage bus.  The 53 to 44 majority vote was of course not enough to overcome the obstructionist use of the filibuster by the GOP.  (2)  

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Few Words About Death Panels and the Republicans That Love Them

From Wikipedia:
"Death panel" is a political term that originated during the 2009 debate about federal health care legislation to cover the uninsured in the United States. The term was coined in August 2009 by Sarah Palin, the former Republican Governor of Alaska, when she charged that the then-proposed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [aka Obamacare] would create a "death panel" of bureaucrats who would decide whether Americans—such as her elderly parents or children with Down syndrome—were "worthy of medical care".

I am sure Ms. Palin doesnt see the irony.  Before Obamacare 55 million Americans had zero health insurance. Mostly because some insurance bureaucratic "death panel" decided that they couldnt have health insurance. That's right, exactly what Ms. Palin projected that Obamacare would do. In fact, Obamacare has no provisions for denying health insurance coverage to anyone. And now that Obamacare is law of the land, a "death panel" of Republican governors has decided to refuse the Obamacare expansion of Medicaid for their states, leaving million of Americans without health insurance coverage. It's estimated that 17,000 will die because of lack of treatment denied them via the Republican governors' "death panel".
Death Panel, the cornerstone of Republican health care.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Update on the ACA (otherwise know as "Barack Hussein Obamacare")

According to the National Journal 4/18/14, although the Right Wing has predicted that the ACA would drive health insurance premiums up as much as 300%, the bipartisan Congressional Budget Office predicts that the increase will be within historic levels at 7%. 

"The long-awaited Rand Corp. study of Obamacare's effect on health insurance coverage was released Tuesday and confirmed the numbers that had been telegraphed for more than a week: At least 9.3 million more Americans have health insurance now than in September 2013, virtually all of them as a result of the law.",0,6208659.column#axzz2yKgE9woE

This 9.3 million greatly exceeds the estimates for this period of time. And this number would be exceedingly higher except that the Republican governors have refused to allow access to the ACA for approx. 5 million people.

And what do we here from the "liberal" media?  Crickets.  In fact the so-called liberal "Networks Snub Obama On Primetime Health Care Address"

 In rural Arkansas the 9th Street Ministries Free Medical Clinic is closing.  Started in 1996 volunteers meet once a month to provide free medical care to those most in need. They averaged around 300 patients a day. Now they are closing down thanks to Obamacare.  
It seems that they are no longer needed, yeah.

Thanks to Prosense for posting on DU at

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Smiting the Minimum Wage Myth

From “The Nation Magazine” - Raising the Minimum Wage Will Benefit Economy 
by Barbara Koeppel February 10, 2014

The myth – “Raising the minimum wage will kill jobs”

Economists do not agree that “raising the minimum wage will kill jobs”, as discussed in the referenced article.  They conclude that past hikes have had “little or no negative effect on the employment of minimum-wage workers.”  They go further to state that raising the minimum will provide a positive boost to the economy. 

In fact, the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) president, Lawrence Mishel says that, 
“Across the phase-in period, GDP would grow by about $22 billion, resulting in the creation of roughly 85,000 net new jobs” and the hike would directly affect 17 million workers and another 11 million indirectly.  

Minimum wage hikes go directly to those that need it the most and they will spend it to meet basic needs.  This stimulates the economy and creates more jobs and profits.

“Mishel quotes a recent study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research that shows that over the past few decades, minimum wage hikes have not caused employers to lay off workers because other factors kick in that benefit bosses—such as retaining their staff longer, which means lower turnover costs for training and learning time. He adds that while businesses may pass on some of the cost of increased wages to their customers, they do this only slightly—since they must stay competitive.”

Debunking a favorite right-wing myth that mainly teens work at the minimum, Mishel notes that the people who would benefit most from a minimum wage increase are actually adults (87.5 percent), of whom more than half are women who work over twenty hours a week to make ends meet. Moreover, those benefiting from higher wages contribute half of their family’s income.

And speaking of teens, in the early 1990s, when New Jersey introduced a minimum wage bill, economists David Card and Alan Krueger surveyed fast-food restaurants in that state, along with those in Pennsylvania—which did not—and found that when comparing the two, there was “no indication” that the rise had reduced the number of those jobs in New Jersey.”

Friday, April 4, 2014

That Damn Liberal Media

     I find it fascinating how easy the rubes are convinced that the media is liberal.  I guess to them anyone except the crazies at Faux News is liberal. 

     Here are some examples of just how liberal the media really is:

     When the Affordable Care Act started signing up people for the new health care system, there were considerable problems with the computer program used for the sign-up.  Even though there were alternate methods of signing up (e.g., by phone or in person) the media went crazy about the failure of Obamacare, 24-7 for weeks inferring that the complete ACA system had failed.  After the bugs were worked out in the computer program, over 7 million have signed up which far exceeds the amount predicted.  Millions more would have signed up except the states with Republican governors refused to let their poor citizens have access.  The failure of Republican governors to allow their poor residents access to health care via the ACA should be a huge story in a liberal media, but nothing is being reported.  
     When the ACA struggled the media was all over it, when the ACA exceeds expectations, the media is quiet.  You tell me, liberal media or no?

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Edward Snowden vs. Goliath

      When a David takes on a Goliath some people immediately side with the David and some immediately side with the Goliath. Both sides smack  of authoritarian issues.  Personally, I tend to mistrust authoritarians until proven otherwise. And I believe those that side with the Goliath also have issues with authoritarians. They tend to trust authoritarians until proven otherwise. And in the case of priests, some people continue to trust them even after proven otherwise.

      Edward Snowden's revelations of apparent illegal spying, brought out those that claim he is a hero and those that claim he is a traitor.  But once again, and again, whether Snowden is a hero or not is beside the point. The important point is that we, as a society may have a trust problem with our elected and appointed people that are supposed to be working in our best interest. It is every bit our responsibility to insure that they are working in our best interest.

     Most liberals recognize that the investigative report on Christie's Bridgegate problems is most likely tainted because it wasnt done by an independent body. The same reasoning should lead us to be suspicious of investigative reports issued by the NSA about the NSA's alleged spying on average Americans. And we should be suspicious of attempts by the NSA and or their supporters to smear anyone that dares to speak out in this democratic society.

     If you want democracy you must demand it and be vigilant, and be very weary of those that ask for your blind trust.

Statement of Intent

     I intend this blog to provide succinct talking points to arm the non-conservatives to fight right-wing talking points at the proverbial "water cooler".  I got the water cooler idea from Thom Hartmann.