Torture has been used effectively for centuries so why
do liberals claim it doesn’t work? Well
typical of liberals they are a bit picky; specifically meaning that torture
doesn’t work to obtain meaningful intelligence.
But of course, we all know that, even the blackest-hearted conservative
knows. So why is torture so popular with
despots? Let’s look at the different
reasons for torturing humans:
1. Cheney and The Torturers (on their off hours they
play at the Triple Door in Seattle )
quickly rounded up over a hundred suspects in the immediate aftermath of 9/11
and commenced torturing them. They weren’t too picky who got included in the
round up because one purpose of the round up was to show the public that they
were actively pursuing those responsible for the attack. And the torture can be effective in weeding
out suspects, or at least getting some confessions, giving the impression of
2. As the
Torture Report clearly shows, Cheney had people tortured, not to gain
worthwhile intelligence, but to get information that could be used to justify
their vision of invading Iraq . The Torturers were ordered to continue with
the torture until they got information that connected al Qaeda to Saddam
Hussein. They actually never succeeded
in getting that information.
3. Torture is
used to terrorize the enemy attempting to scare the enemy into
capitulating. Actually it’s really not
that effective, seems it usually bolsters an enemies resolve.
4. Torture is
used by people in power because they can.
Some have psychopathic tendencies while others just get off on the
power. I would say this probably applies
to Cheney and some of his guys.
5. But the most
effective use for torture is for leaders to control their own populations. Arbitrarily torturing members of the public
is very effective for getting cooperation and capitulation and has been used
for centuries.
I hope this clears up some questions. Just don’t ask who Virginia is?