On inauguration day in 2009, while America was rejoicing with the election of Barrack Obama, top Republicans were conspiring to bring the government to a standstill.
Robert Draper discusses the meeting held by top Republicans in his book, “Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the US House of Representatives.” The plan was to make the government so ineffective that the American people would return the presidency to the Republicans in 2012. Although Barrack Obama was reelected in 2012 the damage done by the Republican Party seriously hurt America .
While eliminating free school lunches for children and cutting off unemployment benefits because of budget concerns, the Republicans were spending tens of millions of dollars on more than 50 attempts to derail the ACA (Obamacare). They also used the threat of government shutdown to cripple the government and unnecessary and expensive investigations like the failed attempt to use the Benghazi tragedy to bring disgrace to the President. The list is long and obvious unless you were asleep for the last six years.
Now the hapless Republicans are trying to make the President’s use of executive orders an issue. They want us to ignore the fact that President Obama has averaged 37 executive orders per year while the average for the last 20 presidents is 44.
The current Republican dominated House of Representatives has passed only 58 bills in their first year as compared to the previous “worst Congress ever” of 1948 which passed 395.
The Republicans in the Senate have done their part to severely damage American government. By abusing the filibuster, they have hamstrung the various departments of government by not allowing the President to make appointments to fill vacancies. This same tactic has been used to keep the President from appointing judges and passing vital legislation.
Possibly the worse part of all this is the American media’s complicity in not reporting about the damage being done to the American government and people.
Read more from Ewen MacAskill in the Guardian UK http://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/apr/26/democrats-gop-plot-obstruct-obama and recently covered in Vanity Fair: "The Conspiracy to Commit Legislative Constipation" by James Wolcott http://www.vanityfair.com/online/wolcott/2012/03/The-Conspiracy-to-Commit-Legislative-Constipation